
Pelindung Sofa Rumbai Chenille Garis Lurus

$52.99 - $113.99

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ID Minihouzz: OK3611

The stripe sofa cover adds a touch of natural charm and elegance to your home. The soft and breathable fabric of the sofa protector is comfortable to the touch and provides a cozy and relaxing feel. Sofa protectors not only protect your sofa from kids. scratches & fur from pets. and dogs. but it also transforms an old. worn-out couch into the stunning centerpiece of your room.

Adopted with reactive printing technology. not easy to fade and is durable to use. This sofa cover could be used as a sofa protector for the ordinary sofa. chair. loveseat couch. and L-shaped sofa. Put it on the sofa. bed. chair. or any furniture. not only can protect your sofa and furniture but also is a great decor in your home.

Bahan: Chenille. soft and breathable. durable to use.

Perawatan: Dapat dicuci dengan mesin dengan air dingin. perhatikan pencucian yang lembut! Deterjen pemutih tidak tersedia.


51 x 71 (130cm x 180cm)

59 x 71 (150cm x 180cm)

71 x 71 (180cm x 180cm)

71 x 91 (180cm x 230cm)

71 x 102 (180cm x 260cm)

71 x 110 (180cm x 280cm)

71 x 118 (180cm x 300cm)

71 x 134 (180cm x 340cm)

Paket Termasuk: Pelindung sofa 1pc