
Geometry Loveseat Sofa Cover

$29.99 - $43.99

(12 kundeanmeldelser)

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Produktkategori og mærke:

  • Produktkategori: Almindeligt sofaovertræk
  • Brand: Minihouzz

Materiale og stof:

Fremstillet af miljøvenligt, slidstærkt og stilfuldt stof bestående af 92% polyester og 8% spandex.

5 grunde til at vælge dette sofaovertræk:

  • Ultrablød og hudvenlig, fri for skadelige stoffer.
  • Nemmere at installere end sengetøj, med høj elasticitet for en god pasform. Blød og skridsikker, hvilket sikrer langvarig komfort.
  • Giver perfekt beskyttelse mod skader fra kæledyr og beskytter dine møbler.
  • Velegnet til alle typer møbler, herunder enkelt-, dobbelt-, tredobbelt- og sektionssofaer samt L- og U-formede sofaer.
  • Fås i forskellige stilarter, bl.a. med juletemaer, så du kan opdatere din boligindretning.

Instruktioner for rengøring:

  • Kan maskinvaskes eller håndvaskes, stryges ved lave temperaturer og tåler tørretumbling.


Har du brug for at vide, hvilken størrelse sofaovertræk du har brug for? Vores sofaovertræk findes i 4 størrelser. Small, Medium, Large og X-Large. Mål din sofa fra arm til arm som vist på tegningerne nedenfor, og sørg for at medregne afstanden fra arm til sædehynde. Når du har dine mål, skal du bare matche dem med det rigtige betræk. Alle pudebetræk er 45x45 cm. Bemærk, at L-formede og U-formede sofaer kræver mere end ét betræk.1 sæde (35-55 tommer) / 2 sæder (57-71 tommer) / 3 sæder (73-93 tommer) / 4 sæder (93-118 tommer)


Enkeltsæde: A til A-mål 90-140 cm


To siddepladser: Mål fra A til A 145-185 cm


Tre siddepladser: Mål fra A til A 190-230 cm


Fire siddepladser: Mål fra A til A 235-300 cm


L-formede og U-formede sofaer kræver mere end ét betræk. Del din sofa op i sektioner, og mål hver enkelt. Hvis du f.eks. har en L-formet sofa, og A-A måler 100 cm og B-B-mål 196 cm. Du skal bestille 1 x Small cover og 1 x Medium cover.


Kræver 2 x sofaovertræk


Kræver 3 x sofaovertræk

Hurtig og nem installation

Hvis du er i tvivl om, hvordan du måler din sofa, så den passer perfekt, skal du ikke bekymre dig!

Kontakt os via e-mail, så hjælper vi dig med at vælge det rigtige sofabetræk. Vi tager hensyn til dine behov, brug og indretningspræferencer for at hjælpe dig med at træffe det rigtige valg.

Hvis du er på udkig efter specialfremstillede sofaovertræk, er du også velkommen til at kontakte os.

Vores kundeserviceteam er dedikeret til hurtigt at besvare dine forespørgsler.

Send os en e-mail på support@minihouzz.com.

Vores mål er at sikre, at alle kunder, der besøger vores hjemmeside, finder et sofabetræk, der passer perfekt til dem!

Yderligere information

Vægt N/A

12 anmeldelser af Geometry Loveseat Sofa Cover

  1. Penina Waigwa
    easy to install.
    Hjælpsom? 0 0
    Shay Nicole
     It does not fit my L shape couch I’mVery disappointed and honestly I want my money back but I do not feel like repackaging and etc you guys need...mere
     It does not fit my L shape couch I’m
    Very disappointed and honestly I want my money back but I do not feel like repackaging and etc you guys need to be honest with your products. I gave it 2 stars because it is a nice color and design
    Hjælpsom? 0 0
    maneica scott
    Love these sofa covers these are my second set, very stretchy soft and washable very good quality
    Hjælpsom? 0 0
    After looking for coach covers, I find tjis beautiful set which is elastic and easy to use. This is so perfect for Cats lovers like me 😁
    Hjælpsom? 0 0
    Sofía Rosas
    Estos protectores de sala mejoran nuestra vida. Dan belleza y comodidad al espacio que compartimos mis mascotas y yo. La tela es muy delgada. Espero q...mere
    Estos protectores de sala mejoran nuestra vida. Dan belleza y comodidad al espacio que compartimos mis mascotas y yo. La tela es muy delgada. Espero que sean durables. Gracias!
    Hjælpsom? 0 0
    Ok so I’m a slipcover junkie! I have bought so many and these are by far my favorite! They are the easiest to put on and take off to wash and put back...mere
    Ok so I’m a slipcover junkie! I have bought so many and these are by far my favorite! They are the easiest to put on and take off to wash and put back on again. I used to hate to do that because it was so hard to put back on but these are so easy. They also wash well. I’ve had them a while and have washed them at least 4 or 5 times and they still look great. The pics I’ve included are after the last wash. They also go great with the mid mod theme.
    Hjælpsom? 6 0
    Cynthia jones
    I love it, even tho I choose the wrong side, I have 2 seats couch. But I got the 3 seats one😊 it’s so soft and comfortable smooth👍🏾👍🏾😻😻
    Hjælpsom? 0 0
    Penny Dudek
    Stain resistant fabric, cleans easily with just water. Nice and stretchy fabric. I live the pattern I chose. The string ties were difficult to put on...mere
    Stain resistant fabric, cleans easily with just water. Nice and stretchy fabric. I live the pattern I chose. The string ties were difficult to put on correctly. I think elastic around the edges to hold it all in place might be a better choice. At first I had it on wrong as i couldn't lift my sofa to get the strings all under neath. Later I fixed this. The foam inserts keep coming out every time i get off my sofa, so I am always reinserting them tight each time.
    Hjælpsom? 4 0
    Jennifer Corry
    I used it to cover my sofa it work very well
    Hjælpsom? 4 0
    This cover is so soft and stretchable. Haven't tested with water but I'm sure I will not be disappointed. I got one for my 3 seater and 2 seater. I sh...mere
    This cover is so soft and stretchable. Haven't tested with water but I'm sure I will not be disappointed. I got one for my 3 seater and 2 seater. I should have gotten the 4 seater for my 3 seater because the part that u sit back on is a fluffy pillow kind. So take into consideration on that if yours is fluffy like mine. Other than that I love it. The instructions said to start with the back first but we started with the front and it make it easier to put on. It has 6 ties under it so you can tie it in place. It also comes with the slip grip things. U can see it in the pic. I didn't all the way put that one on because I forgot to put the leg back on. Great Buy. And they are washable
    Hjælpsom? 7 0
    It is indeed a nice looking design and super stretchable(like a spicy TikTok yoga video). It brightens up the room as well .Very easy to install (i di...mere
    It is indeed a nice looking design and super stretchable(like a spicy TikTok yoga video). It brightens up the room as well .
    Very easy to install (i did it myself without much of effort!). Mine are both a 3 seater and it fitted perfectly well with their suggested measurement.
    After installing it, i sent a picture to my girlfriend and she left her work before her shift was over. Then the magic happened all night long.
    Hjælpsom? 5 0
    I like the material and how it stretches, unfortunately it doesn't fit to the exact measurements without stretching to its capacity. Had I known, I wo...mere
    I like the material and how it stretches, unfortunately it doesn't fit to the exact measurements without stretching to its capacity. Had I known, I would've gotten the next size up. Overall, next time I will get the next size up.
    Hjælpsom? 4 0
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